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About Us
St. Paul's is a small, friendly, family-oriented church home. We encourage involvement by offering a variety of social and spiritual groups with a focus on community outreach as well as intentional, internal growth and spiritual reflection.
This is a place where you can truly make a difference in the community and world by shining His light.
Our Mission
Keeping, Sharing, and Living the faith in our community and world
Baptism: Lutherans practice infant baptism, believing that through water and the Word, God washes away our sin and begins the life of faith within us. All baptisms must be arranged through the Pastor.
Holy Communion: The Lutheran Church teaches that Holy Communion “…is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, under bread and wine…given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” God offers us this gift in faith, and invites us to come and receive this gift which helps us both stay strong and grow in our faith. We therefore invite all baptized adults who believe these words to share in this precious means of salvation. Teenagers who have received instruction and the Rite of First Communion or Confirmation may receive communion. Younger children may come to the Altar with their families for a spoken blessing. (Please note that the center ring of individual cups contains non-alcoholic fruit juice.)
Holy Communion classes generally start in 6th grade and communicants receive their first communion in the spring.
Confirmation: Confirmation classes are for those who have not been confirmed starting in 7th grade and above. The classes begin in September and end in April.
Classes run for 2 years with 15 sessions each year. Study guides and catechisms are provided. Please call the church office (410-721-2332) for more information or contact the church at
Weddings & Funerals: Please contact the church for further details.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gambrills (later, of Gambrills and Crofton) was founded in 1947 as a rural community church. It was officially received into membership of the Missouri Synod in 1963. Today the church exists to serve the community and to be the home for Lutheran worship in the suburban Gambrills/Crofton area.
For the church's 70th anniversary in 2017, St. Paul's assembled an interesting narration of our congregation's history. Click on the image below to download.
Please see the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod's (LCMS) history page for information on the synod.
1 Peter 2:2-3
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
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